Core functions


xxf:document-id() as xs:string`

Each time an XForms document is created, typically when a user requests a page, it is assigned a unique id.

This function returns the current XForms document (or page)'s unique id.


    $avt-expression as xs:string
) as item()*

This function is similar to saxon:evaluate() or xxf:evaluate(), but instead of evaluating an XPath expression, it evaluates a string representing an attribute value template.



xxf:format-message($template as xs:string, $parameters as item()*) as xs:string

The xxf:format-message() function allows you to format a localized message based on a template and parameters.

  • the first parameter is a template string following the syntax of the Java MessageFormat class
  • the second parameter is a sequence of parameters that can be referenced from the template string

The following types are supported:

  • string (the default)
  • number (including currency and percent)
  • date
  • time

The function uses the current language as would be obtained by the xxf:lang() function to determine a locale.

Example with number, date, time, and string:

            'At {2,time,short} on {2,date,long}, we detected {1,number,integer} spaceships on the planet {0}.',

This produces the following output with an en-US locale:

At 7:25 PM on July 23, 2010, we detected 3 spaceships on the planet Mars.

Example including a choice:

            'There {0,choice,0#are no files|1#is one file|1&lt;are {0,number,integer} files}.',

This produces the following outputs, depending on the value provided:

There are no files.
There is one file.
There are 1,273 files.

NOTE: It is important to pass dates and times as typed values. Use xs:dateTime(), xs:date(), or xs:time() if needed to convert from a string.


    $instance-id as xs:string
) as element()?

The xxf:instance() function works like the standard instance() function except that it searches for instances:

  • independently from the current in-scope model specified by the model attribute
  • across ancestor XBL scopes

The search works as follows:

  • first, in a given XBL scope, the function searches all models within that scope
  • second, it recursively searches ancestor XBL scopes

For example, if there are no XBL components, and 2 top-level models:

<xf:model id="main-model">
  <xf:instance id="main-instance">
<xf:model id="resources-model">
  <xf:instance id="resources-instance">
<xf:group model="main-model">
  <xf:output value="xxf:instance('resources-instance')/title"/>

[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.5] The xxf:instance() function can also take an absolute id as parameter.


xxf:lang() as xs:string?

The xxf:lang() function returns the current language as specified with the xml:lang attribute.

The xml:lang value to use is determined this way:

  • if the element containing the xxf:lang() function has an xml:lang attribute, that attribute is used
  • otherwise, the first ancestor element of the element containing the xxf:lang() function that has an xml:lang attribute is used

xml:lang is supported in the following locations:

  • for a static xml:lang value
    • on any XForms element
    • on the top-level <xh:html> element
  • for a dynamic xml:lang value (using an AVT)
    • only on the top-level <xh:html> element

NOTE: xml:lang attributes on HTML elements other than the top-level <xh:html> are ignored for the purpose of the xxf:lang() function.

NOTE: Format of the locale is currently restricted to the form "en" or "en-GB". Support for BCP 47 would be desirable.

Example of static values:

<xf:group xml:lang="it">
    <!-- This output produces the value "it" -->
    <xf:output value="xxf:lang()"/>
    <!-- This output produces the value "zh" -->
    <xf:output value="xxf:lang()" xml:lang="zh"/>

Example with an AVT:

<xh:html xml:lang="{instance()}">
        <xf:model id="model">
            <xf:instance id="instance">
            <!-- This output produces "it" based on the top-level AVT, which
                 contains the value stored in the instance -->
            <xf:output value="xxf:lang()"/>
            <!-- This output produces "zh" -->
            <xf:output value="xxf:lang()" xml:lang="zh"/>

When calling the xxf:lang() function from an XBL component:

  • xml:lang is first searched as described above
  • if no xml:lang value is found in the XBL component, then the xml:lang value of the XBL bound element is searched


    <xbl:binding id="fr-foo" element="fr|foo">
                <!-- The xml:lang value of the bound element is used -->
                <xf:output value="xxf:lang()"/>
                <!-- The xml:lang value is "zh" -->
                <xf:output value="xxf:lang()" xml:lang="zh"/>


xxf:property($property-name as xs:string) as xs:anyAtomicType?

The xxf:property() function retrieves the value of a property defined in properties-local.xml.

This function returns the following:

  • empty sequence if the property is not found
  • xs:string, xs:integer, xs:boolean or xs:anyURI depending on the actual type of the property
<xf:setvalue ref="my-property" value="xxf:property('')"/>


The purpose of this function is to automatically resolve resources by name given the current language and an XForms instance containing localized resources.

xxf:r($resource-name as xs:string) as xs:string
xxf:r($resource-name as xs:string, $instance-name as xs:string) as xs:string
  • $resource-name: resource path of the form The path is relative to the resource element corresponding to the current language in the resources instance.
  • $instance-name: name of the resources instance. If omitted, search orbeon-resources and then fr-form-resources.

The function:

  • determines the current language based on xml:langattribute in scope where the function is in used
  • resolves the closest relevant resources instance
    • specified instance name if present
    • orbeon-resources or fr-form-resources (for Form Runner compatibility) if absent
  • uses the resource name specified to find a resource located in the resources instance, relative to the resource element with the matching language


<xf:instance id="orbeon-resources" xxf:readonly="true">
        <resource xml:lang="en"><buttons><download>Download</download></buttons></resource>
        <resource xml:lang="fr"><buttons><download>Télécharger</download></buttons></resource>

<xf:label value="xxf:r('')"/>


xxf:rewrite-resource-uri($uri as xs:string) as xs:string

Rewrite a URI as an Orbeon Forms resource URI.


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.3]

xxf:split() as xs:string*
xxf:split($value as xs:string) as xs:string*
xxf:split($value as xs:string, $separators as xs:string) as xs:string*

Split a string with one or more separator characters.

If no argument is passed, split the context item on white space.

If $separator is specified, each character is allowed as separator.

xxf:split(' foo  bar   baz ')
xxf:split('foo$bar_baz', '$_')