Extension Event Context Information


XForms specifies some context information for events. Orbeon Forms adds further context information to events.

All events

Orbeon Forms enhances the XML Events event() function to take a qualified name as parameter:

event($attribute-name as xs:QName) item()*

This allows namespacing attribute names, therefore better allowing for extension attributes.

On all events, the following extension attributes are supported:

Context Type Description
xxf:type xs:string event type (also known as event name), for example DOMActivate
xxf:targetid xs:string static id of the event target (event('xxf:target') is supported for backward compatibility)
xxf:absolute-targetid xs:string absolute id of the event target
xxf:observerid xs:string static id of the event observer
xxf:absolute-observerid xs:string absolute id of the event observer
xxf:bubbles xs:boolean whether the event is allowed to bubble or not
xxf:cancelable xs:boolean whether the event is cancelable or not
xxf:phase xs:string current event phase: capture, target, or bubbling
xxf:repeat-indexes xs:string* event target's current repeat indexes, if any, starting from the ancestor repeat
xxf:repeat-ancestors xs:string* event target's ancestor repeat ids, if any
xxf:target-prefixes xs:string* event target's id prefixes, if any, starting from the ancestor components. This will be empty unless the target is within an XBL component

UI events

These are:

  • DOMActivate
  • DOMFocusIn
  • DOMFocusOut
  • xforms-select
  • xforms-deselect
  • xforms-enabled
  • xforms-disabled
  • xforms-help
  • xforms-hint
  • xforms-valid
  • xforms-invalid
  • xforms-required
  • xforms-optional
  • xforms-readonly
  • xforms-readwrite
  • xforms-value-changed

The following extension attributes are supported:

Context Type Description
xxf:control-position xs:integer event target's position in the user interface. This is the control's static position, i.e. this does not reflect possible repeat iterations
xxf:binding node()? event target's single-node binding if any
xxf:label xs:string? event target's label value if any
xxf:hint xs:string? event target's hint value if any
xxf:help xs:string? event target's help value if any
xxf:alert xs:string? event target's alert value if any

On xforms-value-changed, the following extension attributes are supported:

  • event('xxf:value') [SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.4] The current value (that is, the value after the change) of the control.

On xforms-select, the following extension attributes are supported:

  • event('xxf:item-value') When this event is dispatched to in response to a selection control item being selected, returns the value of the selected item.

Other events

On xforms-submit-serialize, the following extension attributes are supported:

Context Type Description
xxf:binding node()? submission's single-node binding if any
xxf:serialization xs:string submission's requested serialization, e.g. application/xml, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, etc